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FOR Children

Game design for children from 7 to 17 years old
This course will immerse children in the games industry, teaching them how to create game structure and content, as well as concept art and design.
For fans of games and creativity, the Game Design course is perfect!
This course is a powerful tool for developing creative skills and will help children to enter the world of programming and build a successful career in this field in the future!
7 to 17
Years old
Game styles
Practice sessions
What we teach
What will your child learn
Master the skills of working with images at various levels
Learn to create game characters in a variety of genres
Will learn how to create textures, objects and scenes for games at different levels of complexity
Will learn the basics of animation and realizing their interaction in the game world
Will learn the basics of graphic editors, learn how to use Photoshop and GIMP to create games, and learn how to make a customized PowerPoint presentation. Although this unit of study may seem challenging, the children will quickly master it and their results will not be long in coming
During the course, children will design and model characters ranging from fantasy to science fiction, and learn programming skills to create animations.
In this unit, children will learn how to work with graphics, including 2D and 3D graphics, and gain knowledge of creating unique game elements and visual design in programming
In this module, children will develop simple concept art and final character designs that will meet the interests and preferences of game users, gaining knowledge of animation programming
Find out how our students helped paint CS GO skins for one of the stores
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Contact us
Night City
Leonardo - 12 age
Michael - 9 y.o.
Larry - 15 y.o.
Platilin guy
Lisa - 11 y.o.
Jeremy - 17 y.o.
Shown here are examples of our students' illustrations
Projects of our students
Malik Nasir
Jeremy Pooh
Katie Stone
Dave Dangerous
Stages of learning
do it
Module 1:
Working with images at different levels
Children will be introduced to graphics editors and their settings, and learn how to use them to create. Children will create textures, objects and scenes at different levels of complexity, learn the basics of modeling and animation to create unique game elements in programming
Module 2.
Creating characters for a game in different genres
Children will design characters in Unity, starting with simple concept art and ending with a final design that fits the chosen genre in programming. Another unit of study focuses on animating and using characters in game scenes, integrating created characters into game scenes in programming
Module 4.
Practical realization of projects
Working in a team to create your own game project in programming. Using game engines such as Unity to create projects at different levels of complexity in programming. Testing and debugging games to achieve the perfect result in programming
Module 3.
Creating a game concept and story in different genres
Students will learn how to develop game ideas and stories, design game mechanics and levels that meet the rules of the chosen genre in programming. They will also create interactive elements and user interfaces (UI) in programming
Milena Archer
Learning is designed to be useful and fun for children. Everything is based not on demands, but on requests. And my son always knows that an uncompleted assignment is not an F, but a frustrated group and teacher. It works great. And my son even likes doing the assignments. In the beginning, it was probably just out of habit that he tried to mow. Then he got on the same page with everyone. He stopped skipping homework.
A mom of one of the students
Linda Harris
It is a joy to see how my six-year-old daughter loves these tasks. She is even ready to give up cartoons (we don't give her a phone with games yet). She is like a fish in water at lessons. Often she answers herself to the questions that are asked to the whole group, asks incomprehensible things, participates in competitions. I hope the school will help to keep such a good attitude to learning.
Margaret Plath
If only everyone were as kind and attentive teachers as we have here. Then there would be no unlearned lessons and no bad grades. Thank you for teaching in such a positive and loving way.
+373 681 11 821
Chișinău MD, Bulevardul Mircea cel Bătrîn 20/8, MD-2075, Moldova
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